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Video Preparation Content Creation Lab 1-Hour Workshop Conference Course Outline

1-Hour Workshop Outline: Video Preparation Content Creation Lab

Introduction to Video Content Preparation (5 Minutes)

  • Brief overview emphasizing the importance of thorough preparation in creating effective video content.
  • Introduction to the session objectives: To equip participants with the skills and knowledge to conceptualize, storyboard, script, and plan their video content effectively.

Conceptualizing Your Video (10 Minutes)

  • Interactive Activity: Participants perform a quick brainstorming session to come up with a video concept based on a common theme or marketing goal provided at the start.
  • Discussion: Share and briefly critique concepts, focusing on clarity, audience appeal, and alignment with objectives.

Storyboarding and Scriptwriting (15 Minutes)

  • Mini-Lecture: Basics of storyboarding and scriptwriting, including tips on visualizing scenes and writing dialogue or narration that engages.
  • Hands-on Exercise: Participants draft a simple storyboard and script for their video concept, utilizing templates and guidance provided.

Visual Planning and Shot Listing (10 Minutes)

  • Guided Instruction: Introduction to the importance of visual planning and creating a shot list that captures all necessary footage for the video.
  • Group Activity: In small groups, participants create a basic shot list for one scene from their storyboard, considering camera angles, movement, and composition.

Planning for Production (10 Minutes)

  • Discussion: Overview of production planning essentials, including location scouting, casting, and scheduling.
  • Quick Planning Exercise: Participants outline a brief production plan for their video concept, identifying key resources needed.

Review and Feedback Session (8 Minutes)

  • Peer Review: Participants share their storyboards, scripts, shot lists, and production plans with a partner for constructive feedback.
  • Group Sharing: A few volunteers present their work to the group for broader feedback and suggestions.

Wrap-Up and Reflection (2 Minutes)

  • Recap the key steps covered in preparing video content from concept to production planning.
  • Encourage participants to reflect on how they can apply what they learned in the lab to their future video projects.

Workshop Key Takeaways

  • Participants will leave with a foundational understanding of the initial steps involved in creating video content, from concept development to production planning.
  • The session provides hands-on experience in storyboarding, scriptwriting, visual planning, and creating shot lists, empowering participants to start their video projects with confidence.
  • Attendees will gain insights into the collaborative process of video preparation, including the importance of peer feedback and refinement of ideas.

This workshop is designed to be interactive and creative, ensuring that participants not only learn the theoretical underpinnings of effective video content creation but also engage directly in the process, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art and science of video production.